فيديو تخيل وانت تقود سيارتك في خط مستقيم ثم تشاهد سقوط طائره بجانبك

تخيل وانت تقود سيارتك في خط مستقيم

ثم تشاهد سقوط طائره بجانبك

هذا ماحدث لهذا المواطن الروسي

وقد كان يصور الطريق اثناء سيره بسيارته
وصادف ذلك حادث الطائره وقد وثقت لنا هذا المقطع النادر
First Video of Russian plane crash caught on film!

This is the first recording of this event, caught on film from dashcam in Russia.
Russian plane crash leaves four crew members dead

Police say no p***engers were on board airliner that rammed through highway barrier outside Vnukovo airport near Moscow

A Russian airliner broke into pieces after it slid off a runway and crashed on to a highway outside Moscow, killing four of the 12 crew on board and leaving chunks of fuselage on the icy road. Moscow Red Wings company.

The crash during peak holiday travel before Russia's new year's vacation, which runs from Sunday until 9 January, cast a spotlight on Russia's poor air-safety record despite President Vladimir Putin's calls to improve controls.Vnukovo Airport


Raw: Deadly Russian Plane Crash

Russia's Interior Ministry says two people have been killed in the crash of a p***enger airliner that broke apart and caught fire as it went off the runway at Moscow's Vnukovo airport. ( Dec. 29)

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